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What is this?

This is a number of answers about warnings, errors, and notices you might encounter while programming PHP and have no clue how to fix them. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate adding to and maintaining this list.

Why is this?

Questions like "Headers already sent" or "Calling a member of a non-object" pop up frequently on Stack Overflow. The root cause of those questions is always the same. So the answers to those questions typically repeat them and then show the OP which line to change in their particular case. These answers do not add any value to the site because they only apply to the OP's particular code. Other users having the same error cannot easily read the solution out of it because they are too localized. That is sad because once you understood the root cause, fixing the error is trivial. Hence, this list tries to explain the solution in a general way to apply.

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