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I have to program an application management system for my OJT company. The front end will be done in C# and the back end in SQL.

Now I have never done a project of this scope before; in school we had only basic lessons about SQL. Somehow our teacher completely failed to discuss SQL injections, something which I have only now come in contact with by reading about it on the net.

So anyway my question is: how do you prevent SQL injections in C#? I vaguely think that it can be done by properly masking the text fields of the application so that it only accepts input in a specified format. For example: an e-mail textbox should be of the format "example@examplecompany.tld". Would this approach be sufficient? Or does .NET have pre-defined methods that handle stuff like this? Can I apply a filter to a textbox so it only accepts email-address format or a name textbox so it doesn't accept special chars?

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